The Rise of E-books  

Posted by Red in

In our sincere desire to be a medium of service to the nursing community, Nurses Publication is now posting a new set of downloadable Materials - E books.

E-book is a book published in electronic form, similar to a Word document, which can be delivered to any computer that is connected to the internet from anywhere in the world. E publishing is said to be the way of the FUTURE because you can return easily to previously viewed pages, you get instant access to content of the book and you can search for words or phrases and get access to the pages instantly. And one thing that is good about e-books is that the environment is protected because no trees are destroyed and no amount of Money Required.

The E-books of this site is a compendium of Related Materials helpful to Nurses – Students, Graduates, Educators, and Post Graduates alike.

Nurses Publication reserves the right to the access of these materials to be downloaded on the following conditions;

· The e-books are protected with a password; regular chatters will be given the password upon request to the chat moderators and owners.

· Guest and Visitors will be given access with the password upon the discretion of the chat moderators and chat owners.

· After downloading the e-books, please DO NOT TRANSFER the files via any medium of file transfer (ym, torrent, etc…), this is to allow others to download it here at Nurses Publication.

More and more e-books will soon be posted. Stay updated.

Further, Nurses Publication would like to extend our gratitude to the sources of these e-books.

Furthermore, in service of the nursing community we remain.

Pub Editors

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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